Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First Day in my Life

              Anyone who reads this post would guess what I am going to share. Let me make it mine. On a fine day after a veggie friday, when a pregnant lady was fast asleep, something woke her up.

             She felt it was a heartless guy kicking her from inside, unable to come from darkness. Her pain started increasing more and more. Her relatives took her in a car from her sister's house to Salem that took nearly 4 hours. How that lady would have beared the pain? (The heartless guy had such a cruel nature ;))

           Added to it, even after reaching the hospital she could not get her lovable heartless guy out from her very soon. The doctors said "No Normal delivery only Scissarian!". Then Operation went on and by 7pm, a life saw this world.It is....................

          a real God, the ultimate lover, a humble sacrificer and a gentle personality. Ya it was my SWEET MOM.

        What are u searching for? That heartless guy aah... That stupid came out of darkness and started laughing by 4pm itself. (My mom used to say many a time to me "Nee purakrathukkulla enna paadaa paduthutiya daa") :-(

       Days rolled by and every relative who came to see this guy, would never forget one thing in him.. His Big,Big,Big...............................

      (Catch u soon in my next post, with a lot of humourous things that i did in my childhood)


  1. good start machi....was interesting..:)

  2. Scissarion is called the operation for pregnancy da.... How com "No scissarion only operation"... Cool... U had only biggggggg head or ........(big body also).....

  3. @ moto: sorry.. I was wrong.. I meant "No normal delivery only operation"

  4. cool da....If u r having too much useless time then keep writing....

  5. @ moto: Cant say it as useless tym. but tym where i feel myself relaxed and want to be free from worries.Thats all!

  6. good start dude.. keep this page updated..

  7. If u are feeling that way then continue da...Because i spent time uselessly thinkin what to write and uselessly writing what i thought...If u r enjoyin what ur writing continue da

  8. @ moto and Ezhil : Sure Sure ...! :-)

  9. First of all, welcome to Blogging!!(thou i'm a bad example as a blogger :( ). Ur Big Big....was really Biggy!! :P..Start is good..Expecting more from you...

  10. A very gud post on baby "baby" !!!!!

  11. @ vivek and vinu : Thanks.will update if regularly :-)
