Monday, March 7, 2011

Luv?? ;-)

Somethin can be explained, somethin cant be..!
Somethin can be understood, somethin cant be..!
Somethin can be enjoyed, somethin cant be..!
Somethin need to be worried, somethin needn't be..!
Somethin need to be casual, somethin neednt't be..!
Somethin need to be gradual, somethin needn't be..!

Love is der among all the living organisms in this wonderful world. And we as human beings, share this Love with everyone around us..! Love with dad, Love with mom. Love with sis/bro, Love with friends, Love with well-wishers. But...!

Ther can be only sort of love that could be totally strange and unique..!!

If der could be somethin that can fill all of these 12 somethins' in the above mentioned and a lot many of group of pairs of antonym words, in this world - - It ll be 'D feelin of a boy gettin over a girl or viceversa --'

Not a Feeling of a crush, not a lust, not just a simple feel of happiness wen ur 'one' is around and not having a feelin like 'ava kedachaa naan santhoshamaa iruppaen da'!! It is somethin unique and special :-)

It is a feelin worth many a million times more than that --- It should say within urself 'I want him/her to be happy throughout - I wish I want to be with him/her throughout to make it real and see it practical' -- This is how I feel a real love should be.. (All comments are welcome on how u ppl feel)

When I saw her first, as I had said, I did not have any such feelings like that. Gradually when both our families became good friends, i came to know much about her, the sense of attraction being her kiddish nature. Always der had been good times with her and her family, though nothing was much direct between us. I used to play with the guys in the quarters and she used to play with her sis and other girls. I dont know, when a sudden feeling within me for her arised, but it still remains without decreasing. Our schools were nearby, many a days I wud see her when going to or returning from school. It waw s those memorable days. Not to bore u ppl much on this.. Pain of missing her, first arose when I had to come to coimbatore for my UG. Almost all ppl of the quarters were der around my house, when I was about to leave. She was also der, I bid all goodbye, finally to her more with my eyes than through hands - then comes my coll life.!!

Whatever I may be weak in or myself lacking in things that many a ppl do stuff better than me - I am proud of myself having got the gift by God, "Love". The best way of solving this is patience. Time has to be the key, ll see. :-)