Wednesday, October 27, 2010

ChildHood in a New City-II

         Moving to yet another new location, near the very same railway station I must say it was a different kind of environment. A house in the first floor of the 4-housed building amidst many in that part of railway-quarters had a lot of vacant places both behind and in-front of the house. It was enough spacious for us. The dark evenings could be well spent either enjoying the breeze or have a game of cricket amidst the new friends.
        The new home was the place where I bought my first ever cricket bat ('Wills' is the brand I guess so). I used to spend the late evening hours after school with a warm play of cricket. Many a days I would not accept after I had got out, would get angry and throw the bat somewhere. (Sooner or later, my first bat broke in 3 to 4 months). St.Francis Xavier's School was different to me in lot many ways from the simple lunch style to the morning's assembly style. I had admired those with passion and a bit of shock.Me and my sis had to walk about 0.5km from our house to the school-bus stop, which is in-front of the railway station itself. My Dad used to go for army camp training to Bangalore at that time, twice an year. The training will be for about 30-40 days at a stretch for my dad and on the day  he returns home, me and my sis will be in school. Our dad used to come to stop on the very same day to pick up both of us and we both would be delighted a lot to see him after many days. All these - - - Kisses, Smiles and affection - -would fill those moments. very touching and memorable.

       In my school too, I met with a lot many new people, tried friendly with a few, loved being friendly with a few, hated the nature of a few, fought with few, But nothing could be much memorable when compared to the friendship that I had with my first friend-girl. Ya, It was 'Divya'. It was my fifth standard. Boys and girls used to sit together and it was written in my head that I had to sit with her. It was a new experience, learning together with a girl - eating together with a girl in the same classroom and everything around. Many a time, teachers would ask us to learn in class and would ask questions in the same period and many a time, we would stand good answering well, amidst d many people in the class. It was moving on well, till that day arrived. I came a bit late one fine day and to my shock found her crying a lot. She did not utter any reason to me, but when the teacher asked she replied 'It was all because of Ranjith'. ??????? WTH? I was in ultimate shock, I did not know why she had said the same (Till this day). I sat in another place that day unknowing what would happen the next day. Next day came, I heard the news that 'Divya has left our school'. (Nothing saying- I was shocked and confused why she quoted me as the reason for crying).
    It all happens in the game of life. I lost contact of her for almost 8 years from that year. (She would come back in my next 3rd or 4th post -I guess)..! :-)


  1. Nice...

    But boss, unaku boy friends yae kitaiyatha..

    Unoda childhood la yum girl friend pathi dhan sonna.. ipavum...

    sari pohatum parpom.....

  2. Poga poga theriyum machi - en friends' list (boysaa girlsaa apdinu) pathi..!!

  3. Unna vittittu poga eppadida manasu vanduchu anda ponnukku?!#$%

  4. @ moto: poga poga neraya irukku. Wait and see.! ;-)
